Научись онтокритике, чтобы перенаучиться жить

Неграмотными в 21-м веке будут не те, кто не могут читать и писать, а те, кто не смогут научаться, от(раз)учаться и перенаучаться. Элвин Тоффлер

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20 главных принципов решения проблем

Некто Peter Gluck опубликовал в своём блоге список из 20 правил (принципов) решения проблем (на английском языке) и обратился с просьбой перевести его на все существующие языки. Список как минимум любопытный, появилось уже несколько переводов. Перевод на русский здесь, а тут текст на языке оригинала:
Problem solving — a quasi-desperate appeal
My Dear Friends from Everywhere,
Faster than everything else, troubles and problems are globalizing inexorably. The calendar shows we live in the 21st Century, the level of thinking and the memes of ethics are much more characteristic for the 12th Century. Add to this the permanence and remanence of the Crisis.
Humanity’s capacity to generate wicked problems is increasing day by day, while our capacity to work out efficient, total, true solutions is degrading — we are both the cause and the victims of an epidemics of probletence.
To change this tragic situation, I am offering you a set of problems solving rules, here in their final complete form. They are infallible, inerrant and universal, easy to apply and can be improved by creative and pragmatic people. When they will be taught in the schools and at honest motivational courses, many stubborn problems will just melt away. Life will be better.
A problem that even these Rules  cannot solve easily, is that the Rules are not known. In part these is a Babel type problem, here you will find the Rules in English and in Romanian — but they have to be known by the speakers of all languages because problems are in all continents, countries cultures.
I will publish the text, with credit for their work and generous help.
All I want is to save Mankind from itself and from all the other non-anthropo-generated problems.
A big thank you!
by Peter Gluck
“I think, I exist. I decide I live. I solve problems, I live with a purpose.”
1. There are NO isolated problems, they always come in dynamic bunches
2. There are NO final solutions for the really great problems, these have to  be solved again and again.
3. NOT solving the problem, but defining it is the critical step .
4. NOT the unknown data, but those known and untrue  are the greatest obstacle to the solution.
5. .NOT what we know, but what we don’t know is more important for solving the problem.
6. NOT the main desired positive effect, but those secondary negative and/or undesired effects decide in most cases if a solution is implemented.
7. NOT all problems have a complete, genuine solution.
8 .NOT the solutions that seem perfect from the start, but those which are very perfectible are the best in many cases.
9. NOT the bright, shiny, spectacular solutions but those elaborated, worked out with difficulty and effort and patience are more valuable and have a larger area of applicability.
10.NOT the solutions that are logical and perfectly rational, but those that are adequate for the feelings of the potential users, even if they are illogical, have the greatest chances of fast implementation.
11. NOT the quality of the solution but the speed of its implementation is the decisive factor in many cases. It can be better to have a partial solution applied fast than a slower almost perfect solution.
12. NOT always long hours of hard work and great efforts, but (sometimes) relaxation and fun is the best way to obtain solutions for (awfully) difficult problems.
13. NOT our own problems, but the problems of other people are usually more boldly and creatively solved by us.
14 NOT the solutions worked out by us, but those borrowed. bought or stolen from others are more easily accepted and implemented.
15 NOT the enhancement of human strengths but the limitation of human weaknesses is more useful for efficient problem solving
16- NOT the very careful perfect planning, but the smart assuming of risks and firm decision taking are the practical keys to successful problem solving.
17. NOT always the existent, real problems, but many times the fictive, imaginary ones are the most difficult to be solved.
18. Do NOT accept the premises of the problem, change them as necessary and possible.
19. Do NOT stop at the first solution, seek for alternatives.
However, for the really advanced problem solvers, there is a SUPER–RULE — the most important of all;
20. NOT the wise application of these rules but the finding  of the specific exceptions to these, is the real high art of problem solving.

3 комментария:

  1. Dorogoi Evghenii.

    Mozhesh Ty perevoditi moii Printsipy
    po russski?
    S bratskim privetom,

  2. Peter, of course, I will translate the Principles, but a little later :)

  3. Thank you in advance. Russian is one of my favorite languages, I survived intellectually reading articles in Russian,e. referativnyi Zhurnal Khimiia when wehad no Chemical Abstracts- one example from many. I remember VINITI- a great source. And many excellent papers
    written by Russian colleagues and friends.

    I wait with patience for your translation.


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